A lively celebration of contemporary Christian worship for all the family. Band-led worship featuring a constantly updated selection of the best songs being used in British churches today. IMC is a strongly evangelical church, with Bible-based teaching that is both dynamic and relevant to modern 21st century living. A friendly informal atmosphere and a range of all ages make this the perfect place to find fellowship for everyone. Prayer ministry is available at every service, and there are lots of opportunities for sharing and participation. The service can be viewed live on YouTube. Look for IMC Livestream


Once a month at the morning service all who love and serve the Lord are welcome to take the sacrament of Holy Communion at our Communion service. Those who are still seeking for faith are invited to come up for a blessing, if they wish. We also encourage children to come up for a blessing


If you would like more details of Kingdom Kids every week keep and eye on our Kingdom Kids Facebook page 

If you are an expectant mum or have a child or children up to 18 months Sam our children and family missioner runs a group on Mondays for details click here

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